‘Trying to Find a Balance’

A beautiful narrative about beginning the Mysore practice and surrendering into the depths of your Self!


Mysore is a traditional method of training Ashtanga yoga. It’s not the typical instructor-led homogenized yoga class you get from a Bikram studio or gym chain. Mysore remains pure to the intended roots of yogic study. Mysore classes have start and end times so you know when the room is open, but it’s run like I’d expect from a traditional studio or dojo. If yoga were The Karate Kid, Mr. Han teaches Dre Ashtanga to compete with Master Li’s Bikram protégé (Mr. Miyagi, Daniel San, and Cobra Kai, respectively, if you’re stuck in the ’80s).

I showed up for my first Mysore session at White Orchid in Tampa Bay. As I sat in the hall, mentally preparing to begin my training, a surprise greeted me in the form of Ally Ford. The instant I felt her energy, I knew I was in the right place. I felt a genuine warmth and kindness in her that told me everything I needed to know in order to traverse the grueling path I’m facing over the next six months. Ally believes in what she does, and she’s passionate about guiding others along her path of enlightenment. There’s no way our story ends that doesn’t include her becoming one of the great teachers of my life’s journey. It’s an important role, so I casted it carefully. We’d only spoken online and over email thus far, but meeting Ally in person felt like meeting an old friend I’d known my whole life. I instinctively look for the strengths and weaknesses in people. Ally is a soldier. I can see it in her eyes.

That incidental meeting was all it took to drop the weight off my shoulders as I walked barefoot into the studio to lay out my mat and begin my practice. I sat, gazed at the orange wall in front of me, and lost myself in the dreams I had of this wall years ago. This is the place I’m going to balance my center and tap into the power of my true potential. I had a vision of myself crumbling in front of this wall. That’s when Jessica Lynne knelt beside me to greet me… KEEP READING

One Reply to “‘Trying to Find a Balance’”

  1. Bryan good for you. Ashtanga yoga is the real deal. The practice is so meditative, strengthening, and enlightening. You really do start pulling your mind, body, breath and spiritual awareness together through this practice. I care for my terminally ill 7 year old daughter and often i’m working more than 17 hours a day. I do my practice at all hours of the day or night and it has given me the strength to endure the grueling schedule but more than that calm my mind so I can focus on the task at hand and prepare for my daughter’s death (she has outlived all mortality rates). I’m looking forward to seeing where this yoga journey takes you. Namaste!

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