Why You Need To STOP Using Breath Retention In Public Yoga Classes – a plea to yoga teachers everywhere

Breath retention practices are not appropriate for public yoga classes. Regardless of what you learned in your yoga teacher training, what you have experienced while being a student, or even what you have taught in your classes for years.

Those who have studied in a class or teacher training setting with me will have already heard this from me many times and it deserves repeating because it’s essential for the health, vitality and yoga journey of all those attending public yoga classes.

There are many reasons why breath retention practices do not belong in public yoga classes ranging from medical red flags to impeding your student’s ability to gain equanimity along their spiritual journey. Breath retention is going to amplify whatever is in the body, mind and energy. If a student is experiencing any sort of imbalance, breath retention practices will exacerbate the imbalance.

There is a long list of prerequisites for breath retention practices here. The student needs to be appropriately prepared for these intensive practices in order for them to be beneficial and not cause harm. This is why, for countless generations, these powerful breath retention practices have only been taught under the care and strict observation of master teacher to devoted student. This approach to teaching grants the teacher in-depth knowledge of the student, their practice, their health on all levels and the teacher is able to directly monitor the student so they can adapt/discontinue the practices when necessary.

However, in the average public yoga class, teachers have nowhere near enough knowledge on every single student’s physical, emotional and mental states to determine if advanced breath practices are appropriate – sometimes we don’t even know the student by name.

The American Heart Association acknowledges that mid-cycle rest (a pause in the breath at any point in the cycle) has been associated with increased incidence of arrhythmia, heart failure, stroke and high blood pressure. Sleep apnea (a condition in which the breath stops mid-cycle during sleep) is a common example of mid-cycle rest in the breath cycle and according to the AHA is experienced by 1 in 5 folks. 

“When the air flow stops, the body releases stress hormones, which over time can lead to heart disease — the leading cause of death in the United States — stroke and high blood pressure. It also can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, liver problems and metabolic syndrome.” – https://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/sleep-disorders/sleep-apnea-and-heart-disease-stroke

Why teach our yoga students a practice which will only reinforce and deepen a pattern which is known to cause major health concerns?

Without being properly prepared and monitored, breath retention practices can also trigger trauma, PTSD and re-traumatized students recovering from traumatic events. In addition to all of these risks, the student’s spiritual journey can also be compromised with the use of breath retention practices.

When studying the yoga sūtra, we learn that all humans share patterns of suffering and mental fluctuations. While all of our individual sufferings are distinct and valid – as a whole, our sufferings can be categorized into 5 broad categories.

Patañjali explains the root of all suffering is avidyā (ignorance). This ignorance breeds asmitā (not knowing ones true nature), rāga (attraction), dveṣa (avoidance) and abhiniveśaḥ (avoidance of death/change). These afflictions can certainly be reduced with appropriate practice and can be fueled with practices that are not fitting for the student.

If we teach students breath retention practices before they have done the necessary work of weakening the kleśa-s, we will unknowingly contribute to them strengthening these patterns of suffering. Students will find themselves stuck in a web of these afflictions, bouncing back and forth between different patterns and experiences of suffering. The student will then not able to genuinely settle into an experience of samādhi (mental absorption on an object, task, etc.).

Instead of teaching breath retention practices in public yoga classes, focus on helping your students find balance in their breath from inhale to exhale – without any pauses and reinforce this pattern of even breath throughout class. This approach to breathing has been proven to increase cardiovascular health, balance the nervous system, increase heart rate variability and create a foundation for a meditative experience. This will also strengthen the student’s ability to transition from sympathetic nervous system (fight/flight) to parasympathetic nervous system (rest/digest) with greater ease and an easeful transition between sympathetic and parasympathetic is a foundation for changing reactionary patterns and weakening the influence of the kleśa-s.

If we want to support yoga being a practice for any body, we MUST create an environment in which everyone can receive the benefits of yoga, this includes education on what practices are supportive for everyone and clear knowledge of practices that are advanced and not appropriate for the average Saturday morning class at a local studio.

About Jessica

eBook – The Sound The Heart Sings, a journey inward with sacred sanskrit sounds

Upcoming Events & Workshops

What You Say Matters – It Actually Matters A LOT!

Building a foundation of inclusive language for yoga teachers

As yoga teachers, we are gifted the supreme honor of being welcomed into someone’s journey of yoga. To me, this is a very joyous and powerful responsibility.

Yoga is many things, but at its core, yoga is Samādhi. Samādhi is the experience of mental absorption, mental focus on what is happening in the present moment. These are the teachings of Patañjali’s Yoga Sūtra. The sūtra text also reveals some of the patterns experienced by all humans. Each human is unique and deserves to be seen as an individual, but as a species, we all experience some common patterns of a busy mind and suffering.

Since the yoga sūtra text teaches us, broadly speaking that humans have common experiences with thoughts and patterns of suffering. Then, yoga teachers need to organize their voice and presence as a leader in the room with as much sensitivity and awareness as possible.

In public yoga classes, we do not know the stories of suffering for all of our students, or even their gender identity. And, we don’t really need this private and personal information to lead and hold space for yoga. Everyone comes to yoga from a unique and individual background and yoga is a tool to start to reduce suffering on an individual level (and this has an impact on the collective level of experience).

Try THIS:Instead
of THIS:
Welcome folks, everyone, humans, friends, etc.Welcome ladies and gentleman
Welcome boys and girls
I’ll be offering lots of optionsI’ll be offering modifications
Here’s another optionThis is the fullest expression of the pos
Folks with a uterusLadies on your cycle…
If it feels better in your bodyIf you need to
Move (insert body part) toward/in the
direction of
(insert body part)
Move (body part) to (other body part)
Here are some options/variationsIf you can’t do (posture)…
If it’s not possible today or if you don’t want to
If you’re not flexible/strong enough
This pose might be felt (insert location in body)…This pose is felt
Try, play around with, see what’s possible this posture…Do this posture…
These are a few suggestions – there will always be an unlimited amount of growth we as humans can do to increase our inclusivity in the yoga space (and all spaces). Please consider this a starting point for your own exploration of inclusive language and continue to be curious with yourself about ways you might be unintentionally excluding someone based on your speech.

Yoga is for everybody. It is our responsibility and a part of our personal practice of yoga to continue to study how we present our content and how we engage with out students so we’ll be able to continue to grow and expand our knowledge of ourselves.

If any of these suggestions feel uncomfortable for you, try to be curious about why they are uncomfortable with you. What might be at the root of discomfort and how can you open up yourself to expansion with these concepts. I will be navigating these questions over and over again myself in my personal quest to create a yogic environment where everyone can feel seen, welcomed and cared for.

About Jessica

Upcoming Events & Workshops

Svādhyāya- self-study, repetition of mantras and calming the mind

The fourth of the Niyamas is a call to deepening our study of ourselves as a means to prepare the aspirant for the continued journey toward Liberation. It is with true knowledge of existence and the reality of the world of change that the yogi can finally see through the fog of human existence to the Truth of themselves, to know the Ātman (Soul, Self, Divine Within, etc.).

Svādhyāya surfaces in the Niyamas, as a repetition of one of the components of Kriyā yoga and can initially cause some misunderstanding. While the word svādhyāya gets commonly translated as ‘self-study’ there is often an important mechanic of that self-study which is often omitted. Patañjali teaches yogis to learn about themselves by studying spiritual texts, chanting, repeating mantras, etc.

Through the study of spiritual texts, the aspirant can gain knowledge on the journey ahead of them. Additionally, knowledge of the subtle layers of existence can be revealed through this continued study. When combined with chanting and repetition of mantras, the yogi will find balance in their subtle energies and gain increased clarity of the human experiences. With this knowledge and awakening, the aspirant will gain grace and ease with navigating the challenges of daily life and the human experience.

For a journaling practice today, explore how does self-study can lead to more meaningful and productive relationships? How has your knowledge of yourself grown from reading and studying spiritual texts?

For a chanting practice, you might try repeating this mantra 12 times:

Oṃ Gaṃ Gaṇapataye Namaḥ

This is a chant which invites in knowledge of our own innate capacity to overcome obstacles. It acknowledges that we each have the power Gaṇeśa represents contained within ourselves. It’s already there, we just have to awaken to our own divine nature.

A gentle way to ease into a chanting practice is to begin with 12 repetitions, for one week continuously. After that, you might try 36 repetitions for two full weeks. Next step could be to complete 108 rounds of the chant daily (or twice daily). See this post on the benefits of Chanting and encouragement for a consistent chanting practice.

Currently, we’re exploring each of these Yamas (mahāvrata) as well as the Niyamas and trying to understand how we can start to integrate the lessons of these guidelines in our posture practice and our daily lives. Share how you’re experiencing and practicing truthfulness today and everyday with our Ashtanga community and read what others are learning by following #yogafoundationschallenge on IG.

Through the lens of our practice, we can start to view our patterns and reactions as a means to known them and adapt/change them as needed. I encourage you to practice with extra care over the next few weeks and journal about your experience on and off the mat. This will give you an additional tool to process the ideas and concepts we’ll explore throughout the challenge.

Tag @bellapranayoga in each entry along with #yogafoundationschallenge and #bellapranaashtanga to be entered in a drawing to win:

  • Mysore Practice Rug
  • Yogi Assignment by Kino MacGregor
  • 4 oz bottle of Mahanarayan Oil
  • PLUS 10% off workshops with Ajay Tokas in July 2020

See the remaining schedule below and follow the tag #yogafoundationschallenge on Instagram to hear experiences from our community as well as share your own. Now, you take practice 🙂

  • Wednesday, February 5 – Īśvara Praṇidhāna – connection to the unknown

* About Jessica

* Upcoming Events & Workshops

Saṃtoṣa – contentment, feeling joy everywhere

The second niyama, saṃtoṣa, requires the yogi to practice contentment in all situations, in every moment. This practice can bring about clarity of heart and mind. It opens the aspirant to the vast network of connectivity which weaves the fibers of existence together.

The idea of finding peace and joy, regardless of whether the circumstances are pleasant or unpleasant can be an overwhelming practice to begin. Life consists of highs and lows and the emotions, sensations and knowledge that comes from those situations is invaluable in the experience of life. It’s a bit boring to think of a life lived without the rising and falling of the waves of a life well lived.

It’s important to distinguish the practice here, saṃtoṣa is not a practice of disconnecting from these moments and viewing them as plain, gray, stagnant components of a life free from highs and lows. Contentment is a practice of feeling the pleasant joy of existence through these ebbs and flows of life, without being ruled by the avoidance of pain or the continual lusting for joy. Saṃtoṣa is present when we see the sufferings of life as teachers, as messengers of truth and keys to where we need to grow on our journey inward and when we feel the beauty of our magical life, without clinging to it.

For our journaling practice today, try uncovering what contentment could mean to you?

How can the practice of contentment lead to a deeper experience of honesty on our journey of self-discovery and healing?

Does it feel as if this practice of contentment ask you to be disingenuous about difficult situations?

Currently, we’re exploring each of these Yamas (mahāvrata) as well as the Niyamas and trying to understand how we can start to integrate the lessons of these guidelines in our posture practice and our daily lives. Share how you’re experiencing and practicing truthfulness today and everyday with our Ashtanga community and read what others are learning by following #yogafoundationschallenge on IG.

Through the lens of our practice, we can start to view our patterns and reactions as a means to known them and adapt/change them as needed. I encourage you to practice with extra care over the next few weeks and journal about your experience on and off the mat. This will give you an additional tool to process the ideas and concepts we’ll explore throughout the challenge.

Tag @bellapranayoga in each entry along with #yogafoundationschallenge and #bellapranaashtanga to be entered in a drawing to win:

  • Mysore Practice Rug
  • Yogi Assignment by Kino MacGregor
  • 4 oz bottle of Mahanarayan Oil
  • PLUS 10% off workshops with Ajay Tokas in July 2020

See the daily schedule below and follow the tag #yogafoundationschallenge on Instagram to hear experiences from our community as well as share your own. Now, you take practice 🙂

  • Monday, February 3 – Tapas – self-discipline as a path toward freedom
  • Tuesday, February 4 – Svādhyāya- self-study, repetition of mantras and calming the mind
  • Wednesday, February 5 – Īśvara Praṇidhāna – connection to the unknown

* About Jessica

* Upcoming Events & Workshops

Śauca – cleanliness and why it’s so important on our spiritual journey

The first of the Niyamas, śauca, is a practice of physical, energetic and mental cleanliness. Building on the foundations the aspirant has already developed in Kriyā Yoga and the five Yamas, yogis will find this practice expands beyond regular bathing and brings about clarity of thought, health and vitality. This practice includes both inner and outer cleanliness. Yogis must work to keep their environment clean, their physical body clean and their inner thoughts and intentions clean.

Cleanliness of thought can be a comprehensive practice of all the previous practices we’ve been discussing. With our kriyā yoga practice firmly rooted, and non-violence as the foundation for all our connections, the aspirant can find that practicing śauca aligns comfortably with our spiritual journey and aids in commitment to the path of self-discovery and the search for Truth.

For our journaling work today, try to identify a subtler way you can incorporate a practice of cleanliness. Maybe it involves a small shift in the food you nourish your body with, possibly a change in the media you consume today, or even a practice of joyfully removing an item of waste you see.

Additionally, explore how cleanliness is important to your spiritual growth and development?

Can you identify subtle ways cleanliness is essential for a safe and effective posture practice?

The following guidelines can help to deepen your śauca practice through the context of your posture practice. As the body sweats during practice, it releases toxins and impurities; it also releases essential minerals during this process. Teachers suggest the yogi rub the sweat back into their skin to give the body a chance to reabsorb the minerals back into their system. It is also advised to refrain from showering immediately after practice. Try waiting 15-30 minutes before getting into the shower, this is another opportunity for the body to reabsorb minerals, which left the body during the practice.

Currently, we’re exploring each of these Yamas (mahāvrata) as well as the Niyamas and trying to understand how we can start to integrate the lessons of these guidelines in our posture practice and our daily lives. Share how you’re experiencing and practicing truthfulness today and everyday with our Ashtanga community and read what others are learning by following #yogafoundationschallenge on IG.

Through the lens of our practice, we can start to view our patterns and reactions as a means to known them and adapt/change them as needed. I encourage you to practice with extra care over the next few weeks and journal about your experience on and off the mat. This will give you an additional tool to process the ideas and concepts we’ll explore throughout the challenge.

Tag @bellapranayoga in each entry along with #yogafoundationschallenge and #bellapranaashtanga to be entered in a drawing to win:

  • Mysore Practice Rug
  • Yogi Assignment by Kino MacGregor
  • 4 oz bottle of Mahanarayan Oil
  • PLUS 10% off workshops with Ajay Tokas in July 2020

See the daily schedule below and follow the tag #yogafoundationschallenge on Instagram to hear experiences from our community as well as share your own. Now, you take practice 🙂

  • Sunday, February 2 – Saṃtoṣa – contentment, feeling joy everywhere
  • Monday, February 3 – Tapas – self-discipline as a path toward freedom
  • Tuesday, February 4 – Svādhyāya- self-study, repetition of mantras and calming the mind
  • Wednesday, February 5 – Īśvara Praṇidhāna – connection to the unknown

* About Jessica

* Upcoming Events & Workshops

Aparigraha – non-grasping, feeling the difference between holding and grasping

Aparigraha, the fifth and final of the Yamas completes the first rung of Patañjali’s ladder toward Ultimate Liberation. This Yama requires the aspirant to practice non-grasping, to live life allowing for a state of flow to exist within all connections.

Grasping is an attempt to control. An attempt to mold and shape the outcome of our efforts and interactions into something of our own, instead of allowing what is possible to blossom. This practice of aparigraha leads aspirants away from the demands and stimulations of the outside world and guides the yogi deeper on the journey inward. The yogi will gain more control over their thoughts, words and actions and will find they are no longer ruled by the impulse to control the results of all of their connections.

Aparigraha opens students up to releasing the desire to own and allows us to let go of what is unnecessary and out of our control. Yogis are able to learn and truly embrace their own strength. Knowing they already have everything they need contained within their own hearts.

This practice leads to knowledge of the difference between committing and grasping. Commitment often starts with the best of intentions, a symbiotic connection which is mutually beneficial. Then, through a series of inevitable life events, commitment can turn into grasping and trying to control. And yet, it can seem impossible to identify the moment when a loving commitment, a gentle clasp of fingers, is transformed and suddenly a desperate, unrelenting desire to control is ruling the connection.

With discipline, self-study, connection, non-violence, truth, non-stealing and honoring of sacred energy, the yogi can start to notice when this transformation happens. The yogi will start to notice when they are attempting to control the outcome of their efforts and return to their own work of Kriyā Yoga and the previous Yamas.

For your journaling opportunity, explore ways you already know you try to grasp and control situations. Additionally, how might you change this pattern of trying to control into an opportunity for deeper self-study?

How could the practice of aparigraha apply to the time you spend practicing yoga on the mat?

How can this practice expand to include our personal relationships?

Currently, we’re exploring each of these Yamas (mahāvrata) as well as the Niyamas and trying to understand how we can start to integrate the lessons of these guidelines in our posture practice and our daily lives. Share how you’re experiencing and practicing truthfulness today and everyday with our Ashtanga community and read what others are learning by following #yogafoundationschallenge on IG.

Through the lens of our practice, we can start to view our patterns and reactions as a means to known them and adapt/change them as needed. I encourage you to practice with extra care over the next few weeks and journal about your experience on and off the mat. This will give you an additional tool to process the ideas and concepts we’ll explore throughout the challenge.

Tag @bellapranayoga in each entry along with #yogafoundationschallenge and #bellapranaashtanga to be entered in a drawing to win:

  • Mysore Practice Rug
  • Yogi Assignment by Kino MacGregor
  • 4 oz bottle of Mahanarayan Oil
  • PLUS 10% off workshops with Ajay Tokas in July 2020

See the daily schedule below and follow the tag #yogafoundationschallenge on Instagram to hear experiences from our community as well as share your own. Now, you take practice 🙂

  • Friday, January 31 – Aparigraha – non-grasping, feeling the difference between holding and grasping
  • Saturday, February 1 – Śauca – cleanliness and why it’s so important on our spiritual journey
  • Sunday, February 2 – Saṃtoṣa – contentment, feeling joy everywhere
  • Monday, February 3 – Tapas – self-discipline as a path toward freedom
  • Tuesday, February 4 – Svādhyāya- self-study, repetition of mantras and calming the mind
  • Wednesday, February 5 – Īśvara Praṇidhāna – connection to the unknown

* About Jessica

* Upcoming Events & Workshops

Brahmacarya – celibacy and what it means for the yogi

The fourth Yama, brahmacarya, calls the yogi to take on a practice of total control of ones sexual engagements. In other words, the aspirant is being called to practice celibacy. This can seem like a heavy topic for most yogis as it enters into our private life and a deeper and more intimate way than the previous Yamas. Before brushing this Yama off as one that ‘isn’t for me,’ it’s important we first understand the definition of this Yama as it relates to Patañjali and the social circumstances of his time and caste. Then, we’ll delve into the subtler layers of this practice.

At the time the yoga sūtras were codified (somewhere around 400-500 of the Common Era) Patañjali was organizing these teachings as they were taught to male brahmanical aesthetics. Patañjali literally wrote these vows for male priests whom had renounced society and the householder lifestyle. Understanding the setting in which these sūtras were written, it’s a little easier to understand the strict call for celibacy from the aspirant. Patañjali called for the restraint of sexual behavior, as a means for the aspirant to not be ruled by their emotional, physical and mental impulsive responses. The original layer of commentary goes on to explain there are certain circumstances and at certain times when sexual behavior could be accepted and not seen as a hinderance along the yogi’s spiritual path. It’s possible to understand this practice of celibacy as much more than simply refraining from sex. This is a practice which is a means to allow students to increase their own life force and gain insight into life’s deepest truths.

By being conscious and mindfully intentional about our most intimate interactions, the yogi is able to gain knowledge about preexisting patterns of thoughts, emotional responses and impulsive reactions. Additionally, conscious attention to these precious and intimate connections, will develop the capacity for the aspirant to nurture and grow their reserve of sacred, vital energy.

Why is it important to nurture and reserve your sacred energy?

As you explore, meditate and journal on this Yama, try to witness your own inner dialogue about the subject matter. Are there layers of this practice which seem impossible? Layers which seem appealing? How do you connect to your sacred vital energy?

If you’re curious, Pattabhi Jois provides the following advice in The Yoga Mala for committed couples to honor brahmacarya while still maintaining their intimate connections.

  • The best time for sexual intercourse is between sunset and sunrise. Sex during the day can weaken the life-force.
  • Only those in committed relationships should engage in sex. Sexual thoughts of someone other than your partner should be avoided as well.
  • The most appropriate time for intercourse is between days four and sixteen of a woman’s cycle.
  • It is not recommended to have sex on the days of the new and full moon. Energy should be reserved on these days.
  • All sexual activity should be a balance of righteousness, fairness, prosperity, purpose, and physical and/or motional pleasure and/or desire.
  • We should always think of the higher self while engaging in intercourse. This will ultimately lead to brahmacarya and increase our life-force and connection with the Divine.

Currently, we’re exploring each of these Yamas (mahāvrata) as well as the Niyamas and trying to understand how we can start to integrate the lessons of these guidelines in our posture practice and our daily lives. Share how you’re experiencing and practicing truthfulness today and everyday with our Ashtanga community and read what others are learning by following #yogafoundationschallenge on IG.

Through the lens of our practice, we can start to view our patterns and reactions as a means to known them and adapt/change them as needed. I encourage you to practice with extra care over the next few weeks and journal about your experience on and off the mat. This will give you an additional tool to process the ideas and concepts we’ll explore throughout the challenge.

Tag @bellapranayoga in each entry along with #yogafoundationschallenge and #bellapranaashtanga to be entered in a drawing to win:

  • Mysore Practice Rug
  • Yogi Assignment by Kino MacGregor
  • 4 oz bottle of Mahanarayan Oil
  • PLUS 10% off workshops with Ajay Tokas in July 2020

See the daily schedule below and follow the tag #yogafoundationschallenge on Instagram to hear experiences from our community as well as share your own. Now, you take practice 🙂

  • Friday, January 31 – Aparigraha – non-grasping, feeling the difference between holding and grasping
  • Saturday, February 1 – Śauca – cleanliness and why it’s so important on our spiritual journey
  • Sunday, February 2 – Saṃtoṣa – contentment, feeling joy everywhere
  • Monday, February 3 – Tapas – self-discipline as a path toward freedom
  • Tuesday, February 4 – Svādhyāya- self-study, repetition of mantras and calming the mind
  • Wednesday, February 5 – Īśvara Praṇidhāna – connection to the unknown

* About Jessica

* Upcoming Events & Workshops

Asteya, understanding the scope of non-stealing

The third Yama, asteya, is a practice of non-stealing. Patañjali next calls upon the yogi to deepen their discipline by incorporating the practice of asteya into their life. As it was with truthfulness, this practice must first be rooted in the previous practice of non-violence. All acts, thoughts, and speech must be rooted in non-violence.

So, what is Patañjali asking of us? The concept of not stealing is not new, most of us learn at a very young age that stealing is wrong and will result in some form of punishment. So, maybe the yogi is being called to expand their understanding of what it is to steal to include more subtler practices of non-stealing. With a firmly rooted practice of non-violence and truthfulness the aspirant might find their exploration of non-stealing to expand and include ideas about how our behavior in relationships, and our exchange of time, energy, thoughts, feelings, trust, generosity, etc. 

As a human, we can all have moments of inadequacy, fear, doubt, pain, judgment, etc. and it is quite easy to forget that all humans have these same feelings. Have you ever had a moment of feeling panic or doubt about a situation and then were surprised to learn someone you viewed as ‘so confident’ was also feeling similar threads of doubt and worry? With time, we might find the practice of non-stealing expands and reveals moments when we might not be recognizing the interconnectedness of existence, or the humanity and similarities within each of us.

What about our global resources, are there ways we can alter our daily practices to be sure these global resources are available to all?

For your journaling practice today, explore your definition of stealing and see if there are ways to deepen your understanding of this concept into subtler layers of meaning.

How do you define stealing? Does the concept of non-stealing expand to include more than simply taking an item, which isn’t yours?

How can the practice of Asteya deepen our posture practice?

Currently, we’re exploring each of these Yamas (mahāvrata) as well as the Niyamas and trying to understand how we can start to integrate the lessons of these guidelines in our posture practice and our daily lives. Share how you’re experiencing and practicing truthfulness today and everyday with our Ashtanga community and read what others are learning by following #yogafoundationschallenge on IG.

Through the lens of our practice, we can start to view our patterns and reactions as a means to known them and adapt/change them as needed. I encourage you to practice with extra care over the next few weeks and journal about your experience on and off the mat. This will give you an additional tool to process the ideas and concepts we’ll explore throughout the challenge.

Tag @bellapranayoga in each entry along with #yogafoundationschallenge and #bellapranaashtanga to be entered in a drawing to win:

  • Mysore Practice Rug
  • Yogi Assignment by Kino MacGregor
  • 4 oz bottle of Mahanarayan Oil
  • PLUS 10% off workshops with Ajay Tokas in July 2020

See the daily schedule below and follow the tag #yogafoundationschallenge on Instagram to hear experiences from our community as well as share your own. Now, you take practice 🙂

  • Thursday, January 30 – Brahmacarya – celibacy and what it means for the yogi
  • Friday, January 31 – Aparigraha – non-grasping, feeling the difference between holding and grasping
  • Saturday, February 1 – Śauca – cleanliness and why it’s so important on our spiritual journey
  • Sunday, February 2 – Saṃtoṣa – contentment, feeling joy everywhere
  • Monday, February 3 – Tapas – self-discipline as a path toward freedom
  • Tuesday, February 4 – Svādhyāya- self-study, repetition of mantras and calming the mind
  • Wednesday, February 5 – Īśvara Praṇidhāna – connection to the unknown

* About Jessica

* Upcoming Events & Workshops

Satya, the vast extent of truthfulness

Could truthfulness change the world? If each soul on this planet were to accept a complete practice of truthfulness into their lives, how would the global social norms be altered?

Practicing truthfulness is not limited to simply avoiding lying. Truthfulness also involves an honest view of all of our actions. The activities we participate in, the food we eat, the way we treat our body, the way we keep our home, etc. If any of these actions are not aligned with our internal core values, this is a form of non-truthfulness.

A pure practice of truthfulness is a powerful opportunity to examine your perception of the world around you and how you engage with it. When journeying into the practice of noticing patterns of truthfulness/non-truthfulness in your life, it’s important to understand this practice must be rooted in non-violence (ahiṃsā). Ahiṃsā, the first of the Yamas, is the foundation of the ladder of Patañjali’s Aṣṭāṇga Yoga system and all actions (even honesty) must be rooted in non-violence first, in order to maintain the appropriate foundation for the spiritual journey of yoga.

Satya is non-violent truthfulness in thought, word and action. Below you’ll find a couple of journaling questions to help you deepen your exploration of Satya.

What does it mean to you to be truthful? Beyond your spoken words, what else is included in this definition of honesty? As you sit and contemplate these ideas, remind yourself of your practice of kindness toward yourself.

Do your thoughts embody truthfulness? If not, how often is your inner monologue untruthful to you? How does your level of stress or calm transform your inner monologue?

How often do you witness un-truthfulness in the world around you? Are there non-violent and honest ways for you to transform those untruths?

How could practicing truthfulness encompass all eight limbs of yoga and guide the aspirant toward freedom?

This practice of journaling and meditating on these questions (and the questions they inspire you to contemplate), can be a powerful tool for self-study and will continue to elevate your spiritual journey. Stay rooted in the concepts we have discussed earlier: Kriyā Yoga and ahiṃsā and remind yourself these practices are a means to overcome suffering and lead us toward peace.

Currently, we’re exploring each of these Yamas (mahāvrata) as well as the Niyamas and trying to understand how we can start to integrate the lessons of these guidelines in our posture practice and our daily lives. Share how you’re experiencing and practicing truthfulness today and everyday with our Ashtanga community and read what others are learning by following #yogafoundationschallenge on IG.

Through the lens of our practice, we can start to view our patterns and reactions as a means to known them and adapt/change them as needed. I encourage you to practice with extra care over the next few weeks and journal about your experience on and off the mat. This will give you an additional tool to process the ideas and concepts we’ll explore throughout the challenge.

Tag @bellapranayoga in each entry along with #yogafoundationschallenge and #bellapranaashtanga to be entered in a drawing to win:

  • Mysore Practice Rug
  • Yogi Assignment by Kino MacGregor
  • 4 oz bottle of Mahanarayan Oil
  • PLUS 10% off workshops with Ajay Tokas in July 2020

See the daily schedule below and follow the tag #yogafoundationschallenge on Instagram to hear experiences from our community as well as share your own. Now, you take practice 🙂

  • Wednesday, January 29 – Asteya, understanding the scope of non-stealing
  • Thursday, January 30 – Brahmacarya – celibacy and what it means for the yogi
  • Friday, January 31 – Aparigraha – non-grasping, feeling the difference between holding and grasping
  • Saturday, February 1 – Śauca – cleanliness and why it’s so important on our spiritual journey
  • Sunday, February 2 – Saṃtoṣa – contentment, feeling joy everywhere
  • Monday, February 3 – Tapas – self-discipline as a path toward freedom
  • Tuesday, February 4 – Svādhyāya- self-study, repetition of mantras and calming the mind
  • Wednesday, February 5 – Īśvara Praṇidhāna – connection to the unknown

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* Upcoming Events & Workshops

Ahiṃsā, non-violence includes so much more than you might think

To observe and practice non-violence, yogis are called to much more than simply the restraint from physical violence. Non-violence is a lifestyle and the respect for all the world and the collective journey of existence we are all participating in. In fact, Patañjali calls for an elimination of violence in thought, word and deed. That’s quite the tall order, to control your engagement with the world with such precision that you are no longer even harboring thoughts that are even remotely violent.

Original commentary on the yoga sūtras goes on to elaborate that this practice of non-violence is required every single day. We learn we can not truly embody non-violence unless it is a constant force saturating throughout our intentions, impacts and ideas.

Ahiṃsā is the tolerance and acceptance of all of the differences amongst the living creatures of the universe. As well as a respectful use and care of all non-living objects as well. Ahiṃsā is also the practice of kindness. Kindness in all of our actions, thoughts and intentions.

As we meditate on this practice of non-violence, I invite you to grab a journal and explore a couple of questions. As you journal on what comes up for you with these questions, use this as an opportunity to get to know yourself better, to see a clearer vision of you. This exploration will lead to gaining knowledge of yourself and offer you opportunities for growth and transformation.

What does it mean to you to be non-violent?

Personally, how have you identified moments in your existence where you have caused harm and what steps did you take to be accountable for that impact? How could you adapt your patterns to impact the world less violently?

Are there truly violent acts, which are considered socially acceptable? And if so, why do we accept them?

Practicing non-violence can take an infinite number of forms. It may come in the form of forgiveness, letting go of past sufferings for the sake of both you and the world around you. Or maybe it comes in the form of acknowledging the presence of the human asking for food on the street corner. It’s also possible to for our act of non-violence to be standing up and using your voice to help those whose voices are being ignored. Or it might be making choices to support the health and vitality of our planet, instead of what is convenient or familiar.

Currently, we’re exploring each of these Yamas (mahāvrata) as well as the Niyamas and trying to understand how we can start to integrate the lessons of these guidelines in our posture practice and our daily lives.

Through the lens of our practice, we can start to view our patterns and reactions as a means to known them and adapt/change them as needed. I encourage you to practice with extra care over the next few weeks and journal about your experience on and off the mat. This will give you an additional tool to process the ideas and concepts we’ll explore throughout the challenge.

Tag @bellapranayoga in each entry along with #yogafoundationschallenge and #bellapranaashtanga to be entered in a drawing to win:

  • Mysore Practice Rug
  • Yogi Assignment by Kino MacGregor
  • 4 oz bottle of Mahanarayan Oil
  • PLUS 10% off workshops with Ajay Tokas in July 2020

See the daily schedule below and follow the tag #yogafoundationschallenge on Instagram to hear experiences from our community as well as share your own. Now, you take practice 🙂

  • Tuesday, January 28 – Satya, the vast extent of truthfulness
  • Wednesday, January 29 – Asteya, understanding the scope of non-stealing
  • Thursday, January 30 – Brahmacarya – celibacy and what it means for the yogi
  • Friday, January 31 – Aparigraha – non-grasping, feeling the difference between holding and grasping
  • Saturday, February 1 – Śauca – cleanliness and why it’s so important on our spiritual journey
  • Sunday, February 2 – Saṃtoṣa – contentment, feeling joy everywhere
  • Monday, February 3 – Tapas – self-discipline as a path toward freedom
  • Tuesday, February 4 – Svādhyāya- self-study, repetition of mantras and calming the mind
  • Wednesday, February 5 – Īśvara Praṇidhāna – connection to the unknown

* About Jessica

* Upcoming Events & Workshops

Always looking, never seeing

by: Jessica Lynne Trese
What would it mean to stop looking and actually SEE?

I have spent the majority of my life looking for something. Looking for approval, looking for love, looking for validation, looking for happiness, looking everywhere for what was missing in my heart, for what was missing in my life. I looked to others, I looked to money, I looked to partners, I looked to material possessions…basically, I looked outward.

This constant LOOKING finally led me to a yoga mat.

I was looking for peace of mind, looking for something more in my life, looking for a healthier body. As I began practicing yoga regularly, my pattern of looking outward for validation and happiness continued. I would look for approval, look for new poses, look for the next accomplishment.

All of this looking was to fill something that was missing in my life.

And where did this get me? I found pain, suffering, frustration, loneliness and isolation.

But, with the help of some really amazing teachers along the way, I was led to turn inward and observe. I finally learned to calm down my monkey mind enough to start to see and witness my inner landscape.

Instead of looking outward to receive what I needed, I found a path to turn inward.

And there it was revealed, everything I was seeking was inside me all along. Like the tearful moment when Dorothy realizes she could have been swept back to Kansas at any moment, I found myself rushed with the overwhelming knowledge that I had everything I was looking for me inside me already.

तदा द्रष्टुः स्वरूपेऽवस्थानम् ॥३॥
tadā draṣṭuḥ svarūpe-‘vasthānaṃ ॥1.3॥

And then, the seer abides in His own nature.

By practicing yoga, you can lead your self toward bliss and supreme connectivity. Or, you can also be led toward more suffering.

The intention beneath your practice is what matters the most.

What are you looking for on your mat?

What do you SEE when you look within?

* About Jessica

* Ashtanga Eco Retreat – September 1-7, 2016

* Upcoming Events & Workshops

* Apprenticeship Program

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What’s the deal with the drishti (dṛṣṭi)?

by: Jessica Lynne Trese

We hear it a lot from our teachers: ‘gaze hear, gaze there.’

But why?

Our yoga practice is meant to focus the mind, while healing the body and increasing our overall vital energy.

A combined concentration on these three practices opens the doorway to a moving meditation and allows our yoga practice to transform into a comprehensive healing system.

The poses are there for the health of the body. The breath allows us to connect to and increase our vital energy. And the dṛṣṭi (gazing point) is how we focus the mind.

Wherever your gaze goes, so does your mind. So, if your gaze is dancing all around the room, watching other practitioners, and/or watching yourself in the mirror; then your mind is also bouncing around, unfocused and distracted.

Give your mind the gift of focus and keep your gaze steady. When the suggested gaze is not possible, keep your gaze focused close by, either on your own mat or somewhere on your body.

focused gaze = focused mind

* About Jessica

* Ashtanga Eco Retreat – September 1-7, 2016

* Upcoming Events & Workshops

* Apprenticeship Program

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Returning the Mat

by: Jessica Lynne Trese
Samasthiti Feet
I hadn’t practiced in 18 weeks and the idea of stepping back on my mat was a little overwhelming. I started practicing Ashtanga Yoga in 2007 and since then, I’ve never taken this much time away from my practice.

There are so many reasons we can get pulled away from our mat: injury, pregnancy, depression, illness and sometimes laziness. For me, it happens to be a joyous reason, but the idea of trying to ‘rebuild’ my practice after four and a half months off still brought up all of my old patterns of perfectionism and avoidance (if I can’t get it ‘perfect’ I have a history of just avoiding it).

Baby TreseIt is recommended that women rest from their Ashtanga practice during the first trimester of pregnancy. This is a very delicate time in the gestational process and most women are guided to let their bodies lead the process without adding a strong practice to the mix. For me, this hiatus began with standard first trimester rest, and then some complications led me from voluntary rest to limited activity as ordered by my Doctor. We also had a few more bumps in the road which kept me away from my mat for another month.

And then, it was time, little bundle was safe and healthy, and I was cleared to resume normal pregnant activity.

The first week back was tougher than I could have ever imagined. I tried, but all I seemed to be able to pull out of myself were sun salutations. And it wasn’t easy, most days I wanted to just quit practicing. My mind was distracted and disconnected, my body was stiff and resistant and my heart was unrestful as I moved through these familiar motions.

But after the first week of struggling, I finally started to feel excitement as I stepped on my mat each day, and with it along came some additional physical strength and stamina to practice more than only sun salutations. I’m in the process of reconnecting to my practice, and the moments of interconnectedness are beginning to grow again, slowly I’m seeing more frequent peacefulness in my practice.

19weeks Baby BumpI know I will never ‘get back to where I was,’ because that moment has passed and this moment is an entirely new experience. And I also know I will once again find ease and grace on my mat, a brand new and also familiar experience in each fresh moment, and in each familiar pose. I will once again grab my heels in kapotasana, and find lightness as I drop back, it will come.

But it won’t come as a RE-creation of what was. It will come as a simultaneously familiar and entirely brand new experience as I move through my practice each day.

General guidelines for practicing Ashtanga Yoga during Pregnancy

* About Jessica

* Ashtanga Eco Retreat – September 1-7, 2016

* Upcoming Events & Workshops

* Apprenticeship Program

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Yoga Doesn’t Really Mean Union

by: Jessica Lynne Trese (Moore)

yoga-patanjaliYoga is often times defined as union. To me, this is not completely accurate.

Students always hear, yoga means uniting our body, mind and soul. Which sounds awesome! But, I feel this definition is missing something.

I interpret yoga to mean RE-UNION. Yoga is a tool to help students return to place of inner peace through connection, a place we have been before, the place from which we came but have since forgotten. Yoga opens the door to once again, reside in complete unity within our own divine Self.

So, I like to define yoga as REUNION, returning to the place of complete connection, which life has led us to forget about.

* About Jessica

* Ashtanga Eco Retreat – September 1-7, 2016

* Upcoming Events & Workshops

* Apprenticeship Program

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Mindful Assisting & Adjusting

with: Jessica Lynne Trese (Moore)

After practicing yoga with a teacher a few times, you’ve probably experienced the way hands-on help in the room can bring you into a deeper experience on your mat. And sooner or later, you’re bound to receive help that doesn’t feel good, throws you off balance or maybe even hurts.

As teachers and students of Yoga, we want to learn how to help people journey deeper on their mat, without causing them suffering. Assisting and adjusting can be a practice, which leads students toward deeper experiences on their yoga mat. And when approached mindfully and knowledgeably, teachers can safely guide their students deeper.

Learn how to individually assess students in order to effectively assist them in their yoga practice. We’ll learn how to safely guide our students deeper into poses and lead them further along the path of yoga. This workshop will cover assisting and adjusting poses commonly seen in Vinyasa classes as well as poses from Ashtanga’s Primary and Intermediate series and is appropriate for both teachers and students as a way to deepen their understanding of the poses, the goal of Yoga and the students experience within the poses.

Location: Yogani Studios, Tampa, FL
Date: Now on January 9, 2016
Times: Saturday – 12:00-2:30pm
Cost: $45


* About Jessica

* Ashtanga Eco Retreat – september 1-7, 2016

* Upcoming Events & Workshops

* Apprenticeship Program

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What does it really mean to practice non-attachment?

by: Jessica Lynne Trese (Moore)

Vairagya, non-attachment, gets thrown around a lot during yoga classes and discussions on yoga philosophy. But what does it really mean to practice non-attachment?

Often times, non-attachment gets interpreted as indifference. As students we hear ‘practice non-attachment’ and we think, ‘ok, I just need to stop caring about everything.’ WRONG.

To me, non-attachment can only be practiced in the presence of pure connection. Non-attachment means connecting to the present moment, without trying to control it.

Connection is the key to non-attachment.

In order to practice non-attachment, we must reside within the exchange of energy in each and every moment without trying to control it. We must give our energy freely, with kind and honest intentions, and genuinely experience what each moment has to offer.

We Are All ConnectedIt’s possible the whole reason we are here on this earth is to CONNECT. Maybe our purpose is solely to connect to our Self, to connect to each other, to connect to the Divine, which is present in and around all of us. Connection could possibly be the goal of our entire journey. Honest connection, without trying to control what comes back to us, but accepting what comes for exactly what it is.

And when we roll out our mat everyday, the goal is not to preform asanas but to connect to the Divine within our hearts even when our situation seems impossible.

Live This MomentAnd when we fail, when we are faced with a task which appears unfeasible we find the strength to continue wholeheartedly, and without attachment to the outcome of our efforts.

We practice the poses to feel and experience the present moment within each pose, and when we don’t catch the bind or stick the landing, we accept the outcome without remorse, judgment or anger. And when we do manage to accomplish the impossible, we accept it graciously, and then move on to the next moment with joy in our heart.

* About Jessica

* Ashtanga Eco Retreat – September 1-7, 2016

* Upcoming Events & Workshops

* Apprenticeship Program

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Ashtanga Opening Mantra

By: Jessica Lynne Trese (Moore)

Sharath&Guruji OpeningMantra“Samasthiti.”

At this sound, we all join together. Wherever we each were in the practice, now we are all here together, at the top of our mats. Uniting our energy together through sound, the vibration of ‘om’ moves through the room, moves though our hearts.

GaneshThe Ashtanga opening mantra is a call to practice. A recognition of the teachers who have come before us and an acknowledgment of the work we are here to do on our mat. This practice is not merely yoga poses. We are here to overcome the cycles of physical and mental suffering in our lives. Our goal is to no longer be bound by the poison this suffering flushes into our hearts.

And with time, devotion and consistent practice, we will start to experience peace. We will start to find the neutral ground which allows us to be fully present in each moment of our lives. And in those moments of pure connection, we are able to connect to the Divine in every thing.

This mantra is a reminder of why we’re practicing.

So, next time your teacher calls “samasthiti” let your chant be a vow to yourself, a reminder to connect to the Divine, and a reminder that the practice is much more than simple (and not-so-simple) yoga poses.

Vandē gurūṇāṃ caraṇāravindē
Sandarśitasvātmasukāvabōdhē |
Niḥśrēyasē jāṅgalikāyamānē
Saṃsārahālāhalamōhaśāntyai ||

Ābāhu puruṣākāraṃ
Śaṅkhacakrāsidhāriṇam |
Sahasraśirasaṃ śvētaṃ
Praṇamāmi patañjalim ||


I bow to the lotus feet of the Supreme Guru
which awaken insight into the happiness of pure Being,
which are the refuge, the jungle physician,
which eliminate the delusion caused by the poisonous herb of Samsara (conditioned existence).

I prostrate before the sage Patanjali
who has thousands of radiant, white heads (as the divine serpent, Ananta)
and who has, as far as his arms, assumed the form of a man
holding a conch shell (divine sound), a wheel (discus of light or infinite time) and a sword (discrimination).

* About Jessica

* Ashtanga Eco Retreat – September 1-7, 2016

* Upcoming Events & Workshops

* Apprenticeship Program

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Yoga To Sleep Better At Night


A restful night’s sleep is one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself. Here are a few yoga practices that can help you sleep as soundly a tired out kitten!

All of these practices can be preformed either in your bed or on the floor of your bedroom. I suggest doing this sequence when you are ready to go to sleep, after all the household tasks are completed and you can turn in for the night. If any part of this routine makes you feel overwhelmed or if it feels unsafe at any time, please stop immediately and find a comfortable place to breathe deeply while the sensations dissipate.

Keep in mind the most important aspect of ANY yoga practice is the breath. Try for deep, steady breathing where the inhales are the same length as the exhales.

Breathe your way to more restful sleep!

Alternate Nostril Breath:

    *Take three deep breaths in and out through the nose
    *Use the thumb to block off the right nostril and breathe in through the left
    *Use the third finger to block off the left nostril and breathe out through the right
    *Repeat 9-12 times total
    *Use the third finger to block off the left nostril and breathe in through the right
    *Use the thumb to block off the right nostril and breathe out through the left
    *Repeat 9-12 times (the same number of rounds each side)
    *Take three deep breaths in and out through the nose

Legs Up the Wall:

    *Sit down right next to the wall
    *Keeping your hips as close to the wall as possible, lay down on your back
    *Lift your legs up the wall
    *Rest your hands on either side of the body or let them rest on your belly
    *Remain here for five minutes breathing through the nose as possible

Reclining Twist:

    *Bend your knees to your chest and catch the outside of the left knee with your right hand
    *Use the right hand to guide both knees to the right
    *Breathe 15 times through the nose as possible
    *Draw both knees back to the center
    *Catch the outside of the right knee with your left hand
    *Use the left hand to guide both knees to the left
    *Breathe 15 times
    *Draw both knees back to center

Seated Bound Angle Pose:

    *Sitting on the floor or the bed, connect the bottoms of the feet and make the legs shaped into a large diamond
    *Rest a pillow or two between your legs
    *Gently fold forward so your upper body can rest on the pillows with your head turned comfortably to one side
    *Stay here for 20+ long breaths

Final Resting Pose:

Some Truth About Ashtanga Yoga

By: Jessica Lynne Trese (Moore)

Sometimes Ashtanga Yoga can get a bad reputation in the yoga community. It’s called the ‘fitness yoga’ and all the students are closed-minded because they practice the same ‘routine’ everyday. And Ashtangis are known for being a little over the top with our adherence to ‘the rules of Ashtanga.’

Is Ashtanga Yoga ‘fitness yoga?’

No, not the way most people think of fitness routines. Our asana practice (postures) is meant to heat up the body, to cleanse, purify and enliven the physical body from the inside out.

A more fitting description would be ‘body healing yoga’ because we find balance, ease and health throughout the physical body from the physical asana practice.

Are we closed-minded because we practice the same ‘routine’ everyday?

Not even close! We open our minds, and hearts up to the subtle nuances of in-depth study. Ashtanga Yoga is used as a tool to turn inward and by taking the same ‘route’ inward each day we can start to notice the more subtle changes in the body. We can start to notice the more subtle changes in our hearts.

Taking a different route inward everyday you can miss the subtle changes in YOU!

Are we over the top in following ‘the rules of Ashtanga’?

Not really. Yes, there are some rules/guidelines that we stick to. Ashtanga Yoga is a tool for Self-transformation, and the rules/guidelines show us how to use this tool.

Simply by surrendering to the ‘rules’ of Ashtanga Yoga our transformation begins. The ‘rules’ show us what to do and when we let the mind surrender to this method, it can finally rest and stop trying to control every single thing. Then we can start to truly experience the present moment; the moment is no longer colored by the mind’s wish to have it be something else.  Presence and stillness can reside within the mind.

All those who practice the Ashtanga Yoga method for a long time, without break and with devotion have experienced the way the practice allows the light in our hearts to shine. Illuminating the present moment with acceptance, peace, gratitude and joy.

And the most amazing part of this practice is the Ashtanga Yoga Community. Our community spans the globe, and no matter how far one of us travels, if we find another Ashtanga student, we will have found a piece of our heart. Even if we don’t speak the same language, we can speak to each other through the language of our practice. A global community of people, each one dedicated to working on being the best version of their own Self as possible.


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* Apprenticeship Program

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Yoga Brings Out The Worst In Me…

By: Jessica Lynne Trese
Hate, fear, anxiety, anger, doubt, judgement – they all come flooding to the surface and they bring up all of my buried crap along the way. The more I practice yoga, the more I find my personal pain coming to the surface – and I LOVE it!!!

I went to my first yoga class after the um-teenth friend suggested I just try it. The suggestions always came up during discussions of spirituality and the meaning of life. Inevitably, the conversation would lead to this recurring phrase: ‘You know, you should really try yoga.’

So one day I did. And it was awesome! I felt great! All of the sudden, I had never felt better in my body. I was calmer, more present and had more energy. I was hooked! Yoga would be in my life forever.

I had no idea how choosing to include yoga in my life would transform my heart and soul. Yoga has allowed me to experience the peace of truly being comfortable with who I am.

This experience of yoga has not always been pleasant, and it doesn’t always feel good. There has been pain. There has been anger, fear, doubt, frustration and more. At the same time, it has been the most wonderful addition to my my life and has brought me more overall health, happiness and joy than anything I’ve ever tried before!

This practice of yoga continues to dredge the lake of my soul and shines light into the darkest corners of my heart, revealing all the shadows I have buried away, and had hoped to never see again. Having to re-experience this past pain is not easy.

My regular Ashtanga practice teaches me to observe my internal fluctuations. I’ve learned to watch the emotions and feelings as they come to the surface and instead of allowing myself to get wrapped up in all the pain and suffering I’ve buried, I am able to remain neutral… well neutral-ish.

Before yoga, neutral wasn’t possible for me. I was easily weighed down by experiences of sadness and grief. I would look for ways to burry and numb these feelings so I could just go back to feeling happy.

But because of the work I do on my yoga mat each day, I now realize when these feelings come up, it’s more than just a time to be reminded of the pain, it’s also an opportunity to release the pain once and for all.

If I can watch the emotions and pain as they come up, without holding onto them, they can finally be released. I can finally let them go, one at a time. And all of the sudden I am no longer weighted down by that pain and my heart is lighter.

Yoga has given me freedom. Freedom to be happy. Freedom to be who I am without the weight of past suffering. Freedom to experience and receive pure LOVE from the world around me. Freedom to give love to the world around me. Freedom.

* About Jessica

* Ashtanga Eco Retreat – September 1-7, 2016

* Upcoming Events & Workshops

* Apprenticeship Program

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Led Full Primary: Igniting Your Practice

by: Jessica Lynne Trese

Ekam Inhale…

Two words, two languages, one breath, one practice.

Hearing those two words inspire a moment of spontaneous meditation for me. For a moment, I can feel the mat beneath my feet, I can feel Sharath’s presence on the stage nearby. The grace of surrender floods my system and ease fills my heart.

Surrendering to the pulse of Ashtanga Yoga, surrendering to the pace of the vinyasa count allows me to dive into the waters of the moving meditation. Stilling the mind and calming the body. The next 90 minutes are a concentrated experience of Breath, Bandhas and Dṛṣṭi.

Then rest, peace and tranquility pervade the physical, energetic and mental bodies. Stillness abounds.

The Ashtanga Full Primary.


* About Jessica

* Ashtanga Eco Retreat – September 1-7, 2016

* Upcoming Events & Workshops

* Apprenticeship Program

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